A conductor in front of an auditorium of people. They are leaning back in a dramatic pose with arms stretched out in a 'V'. Various pieces of musical equipment sit on the stage.

Pub Choir — Chaotic Good

  • Venue

    The Opera House

Ever sung in the shower? Or in the car? Then Pub Choir is for you. Singing is good for you, it’s easy, and releases endorphins. Astrid Jorgensen gathers people together in a judgement-free zone and trains them to sing in three-part harmony. Come and let your voice out to play with a thousand other people at The Opera House. If you’ve got a weird voice or don’t think you can sing in tune, then all the more fun. Astrid believes that being average at something shouldn’t stop you from doing it! 

With a show that is equal parts music and comedy, Pub Choir transforms a group of strangers into a legendary choir in just 90 minutes. Mariah Carey, Kate Bush, KISS, and Sir Barry Gibb have all endorsed singing in Pub Choir so why not give it a bash.